As a continuation of my solo flight maneuvers practice, I soloed today (04/02/10) from 10:45 to 11:45 EST in the Allegro 2000 LSA. The weather was 80 F with 3 knots of wind from 320.
I taxied the plane to RWY 03 and performed a soft-field takeoff and climbout. Turning north from left crosswind leg, I climbed to 3,000 ft. After executing clearing turns, I then headed east and performed a power-off stall and recovery. I then piloted above a plant and did a circle around a point flight maneuver. I kept the airspeed at 80 mph and altitude at 2,500 ft AGL by increasing the back pressure and adding a little power during the turns. After crossing the KTTA mid-point of the RWY and entering a left downwind for RWY 03, I landed the Allegro 2000 LSA with Flap 1 and turned-off at the third exit for the taxiway. I then performed a short-field takeoff and climbout and headed north towards a highway. I did a S-turn flight maneuver with the intersection of two roads below as the center point. I tried to maintain the airspeed at 80 mph and the altitude at 2,500 ft AGL.
Heading towards the KTTA RWY 03, I entered the downwind leg mid-point at 45 degrees from west and switched on Flap 1 at abeam the no.03. I was unable to land with Flap 2 switched on at final and did a go-around about 150 ft above the RWY. Again entering the traffic pattern, I landed the plane with flap 1 but got bounced and added a little power. After a short roundout, I landed the light sport aircraft on the remaining RWY 03 and turned-off at the second exit for the taxiway towards the FBO - B Bar D Aviation.
I still need to practice short-field landings with flap 2 with my flight instructor, Jim Schmidt...
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