Spring 2010 has finally arrived in North Carolina ! The temperature in Raleigh Exec Airport [KTTA] today (04/01/10) was 85 F at 4.00 PM with a mild wind from SW. The density altitude at the airport was 1,700 ft (Elevation: 246 ft).
After a preflight check on the Allegro 2000 LSA, I taxied to RWY 03 and performed a soft-field takeoff and climbout. I turned left crosswind and reached an altitude of 3,000 ft about 7 miles North of KTTA. I reduced the airspeed just below Va (= 90 mph) and then performed clearing turns and slow-speed turns at 62 mph. I then turned the Allegro 2000 LSA towards KTTA and flew over it. Now, the winds have changed and the traffic was using RWY 21. After a left downwind, I performed a short-field landing for RWY 21 with Flap 1 and turned-off at the first taxiway. From RWY 21, I now performed a short-field takeoff and climbout at Vx. Turning left crosswind, I headed South above a field and performed clearing turns and power-on stall and recovery. I then entered the downwind for RWY 21 at 45 degrees and executed a simulated soft-field landing with Flap 1. I taxied the plane to the FBO.
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