Saturday, October 30, 2010

Flight Trip: KTTA - KHBI - KTTA

Today at Noon, I preflighted the Allegro 2000 LSA from the FBO - B Bar D Aviation and taxied the airplane to the RWY 21 with my wife as a passenger for a trip from Raleigh-Exec Jetport (KTTA) to Asheboro Regional Airport (KHBI) and back to Raleigh-Exec Jetport. The sky was clear with winds from 190 degrees at 6 knots. I tookoff with 15 degrees of flap and headed west towards KHBI. I climbed to 3,000 ft. There was a strong headwind that reduced my indicated airspeed of 95 MPH to a groundspeed of only 75 MPH. There were some thermal induced turbulence. We enjoyed our flight enroute with the Fall colors of North Carolina presenting a fantastic view. Twenty miles east of Asheboro I listened to the AWOS and the winds favored RWY 21 at KHBI. I entered the downwind for RWY 21 and landed the plane after a short final. I then taxied the LSA to the GA area and switched the engine off. A Remos LSA was parked nearby and the pilot greeted us. We had a short conversation. I then started the engine for taxiing to RWY 21.

I performed the before takeoff checklist and tookoff with no flaps. After the left crosswind leg, I headed east towards KTTA. We crossed the HWY 220 NC and again we enjoyed the Fall colors below throughout our flight. On the return trip, I had a 20 knots tailwind and now my groundspeed was at 115 MPH. Above Goldston, NC, I listened to the AWOS and the winds still favored RWY 21 at KTTA. There was some traffic on the CTAF and I had a Piper just 4 Miles behind and 400 ft above my altitude. I crossed the mid-field of KTTA RWY and joined the downwind for RWY 21. I landed the airplane after a longer final to bleedoff 200 ft of excess altitude. I then taxied to the FBO. Just a couple of minutes later, the Piper Cherokee also landed at RWY 21.

Today's flight trip was 80 NM and I have now accumulated about 11.5 hours of cross-country flight time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Flight Training: Airspace Class B, C and D

Today, Jim instructed me and provided flight training on the procedures to airspaces class B, C and D. After the preflight briefing, I tookoff with Jim to Fayetteville Regional Airport (KFAY - Class C) from Raleigh-Exec Airport (KTTA) in the Allegro 2000 LSA for the 38 NM one-way trip. There was a good crosswind at 3.00 PM with winds from 240 degrees at 7 knots as I tookoff from KTTA RWY 21. There were scattered clouds at 12,000 ft with great visibility.

After clearing the KTTA area, I switched to KFAY ATIS and noted down the information "Juliet" and the runway being used. I made the call to KFAY Approach 30 miles North. ATC acknowledged about 25 miles N. Jim asked me to announce my position (altitude and distance) and intention (to land at KFAY) and provide the info. "Juliet" I noted from the ATIS. Approach control asked me to maintain a heading and altitude and proceed towards KFAY. They also provided a transponder code to squawk. I passed over the Pope Airforce Base and was adviced to switch to the second Approach frequency. I followed the instructions provided and was cleared to land at RWY 22. Jim asked ATC for one touch-and-go followed by a full-stop landing. The ATC approved our 'option' request . Jim switched to the Tower frequency as we approached RWY 22 per ATC instructions. I landed the plane at RWY 22 and performed a touch-and-go and maintained an altitude below 2,000 ft per ATC instructions. I again landed at RWY 22 and cleared the RWY. Tower adviced 'stay with me' to keep us on the same frequency and instructed to follow taxiway 'delta' to the GA ramp. There were some traffic in the class C airport at 4.00 PM including a US Airways commercial airplane landing after me. I taxied to the GA ramp and shut the engine off.

Jim briefed me on the procedures for the departure to KTTA from the class C airspace KFAY airport. I listened to the ATIS and noted the info 'Kilo'. I then called Ground Control frequency with my info 'Kilo' and intention to fly to KTTA as VFR. Ground advised to squawk 0221 and assigned RWY 22, maintain Runway Heading and 2000 ft. After engine start, I called ground for clearence to taxi to RWY22. I was asked to follow taxiway 'Alpha' to RWY 22 intersection. At the intersection, Jim asked me to call tower for takeoff clearence. Since we could not hear the ATC instructions, Jim asked me to position the airplane towards the ILS intersection and then call. It worked, as the antenna picked up the ATC Tower instructions. I followed the Tower assigned Runway Heading and climbed to 2000 ft. Tower asked me to call departure frequency and I was assigned a couple of headings and altitude. I was also alerted of a traffic at my one o'clock position. After the second departure control advised 'follow own navigation' , Jim asked me to follow the heading on the GPS for KTTA. After clearing the Class C outer surface radius, I was advised by ATC of radar control termination. Jim switched the frequency to AWOS for KTTA and the VFR transponder code. I followed the GPS towards the KTTA. There was a Mooney on final approach as I entered the downwind for KTTA RWY 21. I then landed the airplane with no flaps after a long flare. Taxied to FBO. Jim briefed me on some finer points and endorsed my logbook for the airspace class B, C and D.

The cross-country flight trip was 75 NM. With today's flight I now have 50 hours of flight time and 15 hours of PIC time...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Flight Trip: Solo Flight Crossing the Jordan Lake

Today, I made a solo flight trip in the local area surrounding the Raleigh-Exec Airport in Sanford, NC. The weather was mild with a 70 F temperature and a 3 knots wind from 300 degrees. It was sunny at 3.00 PM and after a preflight of the Allegro 2000 LSA, I taxied to RWY 3. I tookoff behind a Piper Arrow with flaps at 15 degrees. I climbed at Vy=70 MPH and retracted the flaps at 200 ft. After the left crosswind leg, I flew towards the city of Pittsboro, NC at an altitude of 3,400 ft.

Turning to the right, I piloted the plane towards the Jordan Lake. Unlike the last trip, the view was excellent with no clouds or haze in the afternoon Sun. I crossed the Jordan Lake and saw a few boats below. I then made a steep turn to the left at 90 MPH and headed towards the KTTA.

I entered the downwind for RWY 3 at 80 MPH midpoint at 45 degrees. I saw a plane flying to the south and clear of the traffic, I turned the base leg with flaps 2 and an airspeed of 65 MPH. I was a little high on the final and landed the plane after a short flare. I taxied to he FBO. Today's trip was a beautiful flight crossing the Jordan Lake and gaining some flight practice as a new sport pilot...