Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Solo Flight Practice: Sport Pilot PTS Maneuvers

On July 2, 2010, I preflighted the Allegro 2000 LSA and taxied to RWY 03 for solo practice of Sport Pilot PTS maneuvers. I performed a short-field takeoff, applying full-throttle with brakes and release for a takeoff at 56 MPH, climb at 70 MPH, heading to NW of KTTA (Raleigh-Exec Airport). I climbed to 3,500 ft at the flight practice area near the 3M plant located in Pittsboro, North Carolina.

I performed clearing turns to 360 degrees at 90 MPH followed by steep turns to 360 degrees both left and right. I then slowed to 70 MPH and put flaps at 2. Maintaining a slow-speed of 62-64 MPH, I headed straight towards Jordan Lake and then performed shallow-turns to the right and left. I applied power and retracted flaps from 2 to 1. At 70 MPH, I retracted flaps from 1 to 0 and gained an airspeed of 90 MPH. Turning towards the KTTA, I started to descend and entered the midpoint of downwind for RWY 03 at 1,250 ft and 80 MPH. At abeam # 3, I reached an airspeed of 70 MPH and put flaps at 2. Maintaining an airspeed of 62-64 MPH during the final approach, I landed the airplane after a short flare at RWY 03.

I then taxied to beginning of RWY 03, and performed a soft-field takeoff with full back pressure and liftoff at 50 MPH, climb at Vx=65 MPH with a crosswind (winds of 7 knots from 350 degrees).

I headed towards the intersection of two state roads and performed turns around a point and S-turns above a state road at 1,750 MSL. I then entered the downwind for RWY 03 and performed a short-field landing (AS of 60-62 MPH at Flaps 2 during final approach) witnin the first 1,300 ft of the runway of 6,500 ft. I taxied back to the FBO. With the completion of this flight, I have now logged 100 landings and 40 hours of flight time.

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