Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dual PTS Flight Maneuvers Practice

Power-ON Stall & Recovery
On April 13th and 14th 2010, I practiced several flight maneuvers after Jim demonstrated each of them. During the flight training on the 13th, Jim demonstrated the first takeoff with flap 1 (15 degrees) as a soft-field takeoff with the stick all the way back from the taxiway. Applying full-power, the airplane lifted off at 50 mph. Jim reduced the nose high attitude to allow the airplane to gain further speed in the ground effect and climbed at Vy = 70 mph. After clearing over the runway, I took control of the airplane. I performed my first soft-field landing with Flap 1 at downwind (AS=70 mph) and Flap 2 (48 degrees) at final with an airspeed of 62-64 mph in a nose down attitude. I still held a little power after touchdown to simulate rollout on a soft-field. Touch and Go...Tookoff from the remaining runway with flap 1. After the traffic pattern at 1,250 ft (crosswind, downwind, base and final), I performed my second landing as a short-field landng with flap 2 in the final and cutoff any remaining power as the main wheels touched down. I performed six short-and-soft field landings with flap 2 to gain proficiency.

During the second day of PTS Flight maneuvers training, Jim demonstrated several flight maneuvers and I repeated them under his guidance. I practiced the following flight maneuvers:
1) Clearing Turns
2) Steep turns at 45 degrees to left and right
3) Power-ON stall with 4,500 rpm and recovery
4) Power-OFF stall in landing configuration with Flap 2 with idle power and recovery
5) Circle around a point at 1,400 ft
6) S-turns around a straight road from 1,400 ft

I then performed the landing at RWY 21 and taxied back to FBO.

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