Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flight Training: Practice of PTS Maneuvers - 1

On March 08, 2010, I had dual flight training with my flight instructor Jim. It was a sunny day at my home base (KTTA) with a 9 knots of winds and 14 knots of gusts from 340 degrees. Before my preflight check, I discussed the training objectives for the flight - to practice flight maneuvers using effective aircraft controls. After the preflight check, I taxied the Allegro 2000 LSA to RWY 03 and performed a short-field crosswind takeoff (add full-power at runway edge with brakes on and then release for takeoff with a left stick to compensate for the crosswind, crab into the wind on climbout).

I climbed to 3,500 ft altitude in the practice area NW of the Raleigh Exec Airport. After Jim's demonstrations, I performed several flight maneuvers: (1) Clearing Turns (2) Steep Turns (3) Slow speed turns - slight bank angle with the aim of keeping altitute and airspeed constant (4)Power On Stalls and (5) Power Off stalls - with flap. Jim also demonstrated the onset of a spin with a wing down stall and the recovery maneuver for me to gain an awareness on spin...I piloted the airplane towards the airport descending to the traffic pattern altitude of 1,250 ft at mid-point of downwind leg. After completing the traffic pattern work, I landed the plane slightly off the centerline since I did not give enough left stick to compensate for the crosswind. It was an hour of flight work and I taxied the Allegro Light Sport Aircraft to the FBO.

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