Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Training: Flight Plan, Navigation, Pilotage and Dead Reckoning - Trip to Burlington-Alamance Airport (KBUY)

Today, Jim instructed me on how to prepare a cross-country flight plan - {from Raleigh Exec Airport (KTTA) to Burlington-Alamance Airport (KBUY)}.

We started from the FBO in Allegro 2000 (N9167R) at 14:10 and I performed the takeoff from RWY 03 with Flap 1. We cruised at 3500 ft with an airspeed of 110 MPH on a magnetic course of 335. Observed pilotage along the way to KBUY. Upon reaching over the Burlington, NC airport runway, I made a U-turn to a magnetic course of 155 towards KTTA. Started to descend about 10 miles from KTTA. Entered the traffic pattern downwind for RWY 03 following a plane and entered final with a forward slip to reduce altitude and landed at RWY 03. Taxi to FBO and that completed my first dual cross-country trip...

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