Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Training: Flight Plan, Navigation, Pilotage and Dead Reckoning - Trip to Burlington-Alamance Airport (KBUY)

Today, Jim instructed me on how to prepare a cross-country flight plan - {from Raleigh Exec Airport (KTTA) to Burlington-Alamance Airport (KBUY)}.

We started from the FBO in Allegro 2000 (N9167R) at 14:10 and I performed the takeoff from RWY 03 with Flap 1. We cruised at 3500 ft with an airspeed of 110 MPH on a magnetic course of 335. Observed pilotage along the way to KBUY. Upon reaching over the Burlington, NC airport runway, I made a U-turn to a magnetic course of 155 towards KTTA. Started to descend about 10 miles from KTTA. Entered the traffic pattern downwind for RWY 03 following a plane and entered final with a forward slip to reduce altitude and landed at RWY 03. Taxi to FBO and that completed my first dual cross-country trip...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Solo Flight !

Jim Schmidt, CFI - Flight Instructor ; After my First Solo Flight

On December 17, 2009, after 15.8 hours of dual training, Jim asked me if I am ready for my first solo flight. I said yes and I took leave of Jim at the FBO and started taxiing to Runway 3 on KTTA after announcing over the CTAF.

I performed a normal takeoff at 56 MPH from the Allegro 2000 LSA (N50631) and started climbing at 70 MPH. I did four traffic patterns during my first solo flight - 2 go-arounds (one due to traffic and one being too high), 1 touch and go after a landing performed with a Forward Slip maneuver (my first solo landing !) and a Final landing with no-flaps....That completed my first solo flight...I have now logged 0.5 hours as Pilot-In-Command (PIC)...

B Bar D Aviation, Sanford, NC

I later realized that the First Flight by the Wright brothers was accomplished on the same day 106 years ago (December 17, 1903) !

My First Unassisted Landing at KTTA

Allegro 2000 LSA - Cockpit Instrument Panel

After 10.8 hours of diligent dual training, Jim allowed me to land the airplane unassisted on the RWY 3 at KTTA on November 17, 2009. It felt great to have accomplished both takeoff and landing as the sole manipulator of the airplane controls...

Discovery Flight and Sport Pilot Training in a Light Sport Aircraft

On July 30, 2009, I had my first sport aircraft flying experience in the Allegro 2000 LSA (80 HP; Cruise Speed: 120 MPH, Vso= 44 MPH) from the B Bar D Aviation Fixed Base Operator (FBO) located at the Raleigh Exec Airport (KTTA), Sanford, NC.

Jim Schmidt, CFI, a Flight Instructor with the FBO gave me the Discovery flight. The 40 minute flight was an adventue and rekindled my life-long desire to become a Pilot ! I asked Doug Hempstead, the owner of the FBO about the procedure to start my flying lessons and made an appointment for my first flight lesson for the Sport Pilot Training...
I applied for and got the FAA Student Pilot certificate on August 08, 2009. I took and passed the FAA Sport Pilot Knowledge test on September 16, 2009.