I climbed to 3,500 ft altitude in the practice area NW of the Raleigh Exec Airport. After Jim's demonstrations, I performed several flight maneuvers: (1) Clearing Turns (2) Steep Turns (3) Slow speed turns - slight bank angle with the aim of keeping altitute and airspeed constant (4)Power On Stalls and (5) Power Off stalls - with flap. Jim also demonstrated the onset of a spin with a wing down stall and the recovery maneuver for me to gain an awareness on spin...
I piloted the airplane towards the airport descending to the traffic pattern altitude of 1,250 ft at mid-point of downwind leg. After completing the traffic pattern work, I landed the plane slightly off the centerline since I did not give enough left stick to compensate for the crosswind. It was an hour of flight work and I taxied the Allegro Light Sport Aircraft to the FBO.

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