Saturday, March 19, 2011

PIC Time: Solo Flight Practice in the Traffic Pattern with Gusty Winds

Today, at 10.00 AM EST, I preflighted the Allegro 2000 LSA for gaining some flight practice in takeoffs and landings in gusty winds. The temperature at the Raleigh-Exec Jetport (KTTA) was mild at 72 F with great visibility. The winds were from 040 degrees at 15 MPH gusting to 19 MPH. The traffic at the airport was moderate with a Business Jet taking off to the North followed by a Cessna 172 and a Mooney both doing the traffic pattern work.

I taxied to the RWY 03 and performed a normal takeoff with Flaps at 15 degrees. After the climb, I turned to the crosswind leg at 900 ft and flew towards the practice area near the 3M Plant in the NW. I then performed a shallow 180 degrees turn and at a height of 2400 ft crossed the RWY midpoint and joined the downwind for RWY 03. After a long downwind to decrease my altitude, I turned base behind the Mooney and performed by first landing of the day with no flaps and with a slight power to compensate for the gusty but strong headwind. I taxied to the RWY 03 and took-off with no flaps and climbed straight and turned to the crosswind and downwind legs. At abeam no.3, I reduced the power to 3500 RPM in the Rotax engine and turned base and final legs followed by the Mooney aircraft. With the aid of the strong headwind, I was able to land and exit via the first taxiway Echo within 1200 ft.

I then took off from RWY 03 after the landing of the Cessna 172 and flew towards the Lake Jordan with a view of the cooling towers of the N-Plant in Sanford, NC. I then joined the downwind for RWY 03 and turned base as the Mooney aircraft was on the final leg. I again landed at RWY 03 and exited the runway via taxiway Charlie. I then taxied the plane in strong tailwinds to the FBO.

Overall, a great practice flight that added three landings as PIC to my pilot logbook.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

PIC Time: Solo Flight in the Traffic Pattern with Crosswind

The Winter 2011 is almost over and the Spring is on the way in North Carolina. Today, I made a solo flight in the Allegro 2000 LSA from KTTA (Raleigh-Exec Jetport) for being current in my PIC time and practice landings in crosswinds.

The weather was mild (63 F) at the airport with broken clouds from 6,000 ft and good visibility . But, the winds were varying from 160 degrees at 8 MPH with some gusts.


The traffic in the airport was heavy, with three planes doing the traffic pattern along with a couple of incoming flights. I was number three for takeoff from RWY 21 and departed with flaps at 15 degrees. I rotated at 55 MPH and climbed at 65 MPH. I crabed the airplane into the wind to keep aligned with the runway. I followed the Piper Cherokee on the downwind and made my first landing with an approach speed of 70 MPH and carrying a little power. I turned off the RWY from taxiway Charlie and lined up for my second takeoff behind a Cessna 172.

I again tookoff from RWY 21 but this time without any flaps and climbed to the pattern altitude of 1200 ft. The Cessna was doing a long traffic pattern and so I made my base leg longer and entered the downwind from midpoint of the RWY. I entered the base leg at 800 ft AGL and final approach at 75 MPH. After holding the heading in the varying crosswind, I landed the light sport airplane at RWY 21 and taxied the plane to the FBO.