Saturday, February 12, 2011

Practice Flight in Strong Crosswinds with gusts!

Today was my first flight in the Allegro 2000 LSA after coming back to the Raleigh area. The weather was clear and sunny with 48 degrees but with strong winds from 260 degrees to 290 degrees and gusts. I converted my solo flight schedule to a dual practice flight with my flight instructor, Jim Schmidt. I preflighted the airplane and taxied to RWY 21.


I performed a crosswind takeoff with right aileron into the wind from taxiway Charlie for RWY 21 with no flaps. I climbed with a crab into the wind and did a left traffic pattern for RWY 21. I entered the base and final legs with higher than normal power and at a speed of 70-75 mph.
I kept the airplane aligned with the RWY 21 but the variable wind and gusts made me struggle to keep the light sport airplane straight during the flare. Jim just touched the controls but did nothing and said 'still your airplane'. I touched-down with right aileron for the crosswind but was pushed up by the gusts. I added a little power and after a short flare landed the airplane. An ugly landing but a good practice flight and landing on a strong crosswind with my flight instructor besides...