Friday, June 11, 2010

Solo Flight Practice: Circle Around a Point and Takeoffs & Landings

On June 8, 2010, I preflighted the airplane, Allegro 2000 LSA (N50631) and tookoff from RWY 03 for my eleventh solo flight. I performed my first takeoff with 15 degrees of flaps and headed towards the NW of KTTA (Raleigh Exec Airport). During my climb to about 2,500 ft near the 3M plant, I retracted the flaps at 150 ft and switched off the electric fuel pump at 1000 ft. I performed clearing turns and shallow turns and headed towards the KTTA. Entering the mid-point of downwind for RWY 03, I switched on flaps to 15 degrees at 70 mph and abeam the # 3. After base and final legs, I perfoemd my first landing of the day.

I again tookoff from RWY 03 of KTTA with flaps at 1 and headed towards the Cape Fear River Basin and followed the river. At the intersection of two state roads, I practiced several circle around a point maneuver at 1,400 ft ad 90 mph. I was able to keep the altitude and speed within the margins allowed for the Sport Pilot PTS and was able to correct when off with quick corrections. The wind was calm but there were some up drafts.

After my flight maneuvers practice, I entered the downwind for RWY 03 and landed the plane after a short flare. I taxied back to RWY 03 and did another takeoff, traffic pattern and landing.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Flight Training: Fine-tuning Flight Maneuvers and Landings

On May 21st and 28th, 2010, I practiced flight maneuvers and landings in different configurations with my flight instructor, Jim Schmidt. I performed takeoffs with flaps set at 0 and 1 (15 degrees) and headed to the flight practice area near the 3M plant about 6 miles NW of KTTA.
At 3,000 ft, I performed clearing turns to full circle from left and right with an airspeed of 90 mph. I then executed steep turns of 45 degrees to the left and right to full circle, maintaining the AS and altitude within 10 mph and 100 ft respectively.

Credit: AOPA Flight Training, July 2010

Jim asked me to slow the plane to 52-54 mph with flap 2 and perform a straight and level flight. I picked a spot and headed towards it with the inclinometer ball in the center. I then performed shallow turns to the left and right. Jim then asked me to increase the speed to 90 mph with flaps retracted at 70 mph and descend to 1400 ft near a state road. I then performed several S-turns to improve my proficiency.

After the flight maneuvers, I headed to KTTA and practiced several landings with touch 'n' go, in different landing configurations - flaps at 0, 1 and 2. There was a slight wind that allowed me to practice crosswind takeoffs and landings. I also executed a forward slip to reduce speed and altitude on one of my landing approach with full right rudder and left aileron into the wind.